EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is a therapy modality originally developed to treat emotions and beliefs associated with traumatic memories.  EMDR uses Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) to tap into memory networks where information is stored and allows for further processing.

You can learn more about EMDR, its benefits, and research into its effectiveness at the link below.

How is EMDR different from Talk Therapy?

EMDR can be more focused on resolving processing traumatic memories or experiences through activating the healing systems of the brain. Clients often don’t have to talk intensively about the specifics of the events to experience the benefits of EMDR. You don’t have to spend all of your time reliving the past.  EMDR is a targeted approach that can often be completed in fewer sessions than traditional talk therapy.

What Does an EMDR Session Look Like?

EMDR therapy takes place in eight phases.  The first few EMDR sessions are spent building skills to calm your nervous system. Together we gather history so we can determine a comfortable point to start reprocessing. The body and the brain will continue to reprocess trauma outside of sessions, so having those regulating skills are important. Once you are comfortable with your skills and a solid starting point, we start incorporating BLS to reprocess the trauma.

EMDR therapy does not erase the memories or experiences. The goal is to access the healing networks of the brain to reduce the intensity of pain and distress out of difficult experiences. This can helps you uncover the source of distressing symptoms, and allow you to make new, healthier connections and associations with material from the past.  The memories can still be present after EMDR, but with less distress and with more adaptive connections.

Can EMDR work with Children and Teens?

Yes! EMDR has proven to be effective with children as young as 3. Children and teens can experience the same benefits that many clients receive from EMDR sessions. I often incorporate art, play, music, and games to keep the process engaging and fun for my child clients.

Healing is always possible. With the right support, you can start taking steps forward into the life you want to have.
Contact me below for further information about EMDR or to schedule a consult to see if EMDR would be a good fit for you.